Eden at Space Center Houston with SpaceFund & Dr. Porterfield
Houston, Feb. 14, 2024. Eden joined Meagan Crawford of SpaceFund, as well as a Board Member of Eden, & Dr. Porterfield for an event as Space Center Houston for investors & startups in the local Houston area. It was great to be back at Space Center Houston.
Viral Potato Video on FB (over 2M views) - Eden Gained 22K Followers
Jan. 31, 2024. Eden announces commercially selling our Potato Grow System in a video showing potatoes growing without soil & people were amazed! Check out the Viral Video below...
Bart Womack, CEO, Live on Fox26 Houston
Houston, Jan. 30, 2024. Bart had another great interview with Ruben Dominguez at Fox26 News, Houston. The interview took place at our new showroom in the Esperson Building downtown Houston. Tune in to hear all about it and see the towers, live, by clicking the link below.
Bart Womack, CEO, Live on ABC13 Houston
Houston, January 29, 2024. Bart had a fantastic live interview on Houston's local ABC morning show. "Eden Grow Systems uses groundbreaking AgTech to expand its mission to create self-reliance for families where fresh food isn't readily available." - Briana Conner, ABC13
Eden Featured in Secret Houston Article
Houston, January 29, 2024. This is a great aricle diving into Eden's plans for the Esperson Building Showroom. "The innovative vertical farm will go up in phases at the landmark Esperson Building in the heart of Houston. With easy access from Houston’s downtown tunnels, the new Eden Grow Tower allows citizens to grow their own food in any climate all year round." - Colby Smith, Secret Houson
Bart Womack, CEO, Exclusive Interview with the Houston Chron
Houston, Jan. 28, 2024. "The vertical farm in Esperson will grow tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, raspberries, microgreens, and even edible flowers. They are also planning an indoor grape orchard and growing mushrooms". - Janet Miranda, Houston Chron
See the full article below.
Eden Opens Showroom & Grow Operations Facility Downtown Houston in the Esperson Building
Houston, Jan 24, 2024. "Esperson aims to be a ‘Vertical Entrepreneurial Village’ where wealth creators live, work and play. In that context, we have teamed up with Eden Grow Systems to become a vertical indoor farm where our people grow their own food on every floor of our building,” said Dougal Cameron, Manager of the Esperson Building. Read the full press release below.
Bart Womack, CEO, Exclusive Interview with Innovation Map
Houston, Jan. 17, 2024. Our visionary CEO, L. Barton Womack, recently shared insightful details in an exclusive interview with InnovationMap. Bart's passion for changing the way we eat and addressing global food challenges is truly inspiring. The article delves into Eden's mission to disrupt the agtech industry by bringing NASA-inspired indoor food towers to households everywhere.
'The company commercialized NASA technology to fill what it viewed as “a huge gap within the controlled…agricultural space.”' - Susan Borreson, Innovation Map.
Eden Featured in Food Engineering Magazine, iGrow News, & Vertical Farms Daily Announcing Dr. Porterfiled Joining Eden
Dec. 19, 2023. "Eden Grow Systems announced the appointment of Dr. D. Marshall Porterfield as the company’s new innovation advisor. Porterfield’s expertise, especially within the field of agricultural and biological engineering and controlled environment agriculture, is expected to provide Eden Grow Systems with knowledge within the company’s closed-loop, self-sustaining system that provides self-reliance for families and communities where fresh food is not readily available or in the event of disaster". - Food Engineering
Eden Grow Systems Introduces Dr. D. Marshall Porterfield as New Innovation Advisor
Dec. 18, 2023. "Dr. Porterfield, Professor of Biological Engineering & Space Biophysics at Purdue University, Will Provide Valuable Insight for the Company’s Next Gen Food Growth Products." -Global Newswire
Eden Featured in George Magazine
Nov. 27, 2023. Eden featured in George Magazine in Issues 14 & 15. Eden is parterning with George magazine to speak on food security and new technologies the empower humanity. Click the link below to download Issue 14 & 15 for free.
Bart Womack, CEO, Featured on Leak Project
Nov. 16, 2023. Bart has a great interview with Rex from Leak Project, 419K Subscribers, speaking on the importance of growing your own food. Rex has our grow system in the background getting ready to plant!
Bart Womack, CEO, Spoke at Tech Fest Live
Houston, Nov. 3, 2023. Our visionary CEO, L. Barton Womack, took the stage at Tech Fest, inspiring the young minds of tomorrow! Founded in 2019, Tech Fest Live is a non-profit educational tech events company, passionately connecting today's youth for a brighter future through technology opportunities.
Eden Featured on Vertical Farms Daily
Nov. 8, 2023. "Eden Grow Systems launched a crowdfunding campaign for the company’s modular farming systems. Eden Grow Systems' open crowdfunding campaign is providing investors with the opportunity to own a stake in its future and in advancing the AgTech ecosystem". - Vertical Farms Daily
Eden Launches SEC Regulated Crowdfunding Campaign
October, 2023. "Providing Food Sovereignty to the World, Eden Grow Systems crowdfunding campaign allows participants to have a stake in the company as it grows to next level". See the press release here: Eden Grow Systems Announces Regulation Crowdfunding Campaign (einpresswire.com)
Jeff Raymond, COO/CTO, Interview with Texas Boys
September 29, 2023. Jeff sits down with TD from Texas Boys, 99.1K Subscribers, for a great conversation about the importance of growing your own food.
Jeff Raymond, COO/CTO, Interview with Alison Morrow.
August 1, 2023. Our COO/CTO, Jeff Raymond has a great discussion with Alison Morrow, 110K Subscriberes, on Hydroponic Gardening.
AFWERX Direct to Phase 2 Award
2023. Eden was awarded AFWERX (innovation arm of the Department of the Air Force) Phase 2 Award.
Eden Featured on Adapt 2030
June 15, 2023. David Dubyne of Adapt 2030, 181K Subscribers, hosts our COO/CTO, Jeff Raymond, for a great converation about self-sufficiency and how our grow systems can help.
Eden Featured on Wranglerstar
May 21, 2023. Cody Crone of Wranglerstar with 2.5M Subscribers, does a tour of our first grow operation facility with our COO/CTO, Jeff Raymond, showing how the towers work. This is fantastic video to see the towers in action.
Eden Featured on Atlas Shelters
Feb. 28, 2023. Our COO/CTO, Jeff Raymond, visits Ron Hubbard, President/CEO & Founder of Atas Shelters, 488K Subscribers, to help him plant his grow system. This is a great video to watch on our systems being planted!
Eden Open House &
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony!
Columbia River Gorge, November 30, 2022 -
Eden's Manufacturing and Operations Facility in White Salmon, WA opened its doors for an Open House Event + Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on November 18th. Check out this great article about the event by
Jacob Bertram, Washington News Editor for the Columbia Gorge News.
Photo c/o Jacob Bertram of the Columbia Gorge News
Eden Officially Named a NASA Spinoff Company

Eden at Space Center Houston for Moon2Mars Celebration
Eden Featured in SpaceNews
March 16, 2022. "Eden Grow Systems and Rhea Space Activity announced March 16 they won a Small Business Innovation Research Phase 1 contract to look at possible applications of aeroponic technology to grow produce at inhospitable locations where some Space Force units are deployed." - Sandra Erwin, SpaceNews

Eden Invited to
Space Center Houston's Planet Earth Celebration
Houston, April 22, 2022 - Eden was invited to have a booth at Space Center Houston's Planet Earth Celebration.
Click the link below to watch Jeff's and Bart's presentations.

U.S. Air Force Selects Eden Grow Systems to Develop Aeroponic Solution to Support Remote U.S. Space Force Installations
Houston, March 16, 2022 - We, Eden Grow Systems, and Rhea Space Activity are using NASA technology to feed the U.S. Space Force Guardians Operating in remote locations. Be sure to check out the full press release in the link below!
Eden Ft. in Columbia Gorge News
Columbia River Gorge, March 9, 2022 - We are so excited to announce that Eden has been featured in our Eden North's local paper, the Columbia Gorge News. A big thank you to Trisha Walker of the Columbia Gorge News, who did a fantastic job with the article and telling our COO/CTO Jeff L Raymond & Eden's story! Be sure to check out the full article in the link below!
Eden Launches the Hippocrates Initiative
Houston, March 8, 2022 - We are excited to announce in our latest press release that Eden is partnering with Grand Farm and North Dakota State University, headed by Dr. Kalidas Shetty, of the Global Institute of Food Security and International Agriculture at NDSU, in a fantastic initiative to use the Eden Grow Tower to grow medicinal herbs for healing purposes!
Click the link below to see the full Press Release and read all about it!
Eden Featured Guest at Grand Farm in Fargo, ND
Fargo, North Dakota - February 2022 -The Eden Grow Tower was front and center for this awesome event where Bart Womack, Eden CEO and Jeff Raymond, Eden COO/CTO were guest speakers, along with Dr. Gary Stutte, our Director Plant Research and Dr. Kalidas Shetty of NDSU, who will be growing medicinal herbs in the Eden Tower. Be sure to check out the footage of this exciting event on indoor agriculture and the future of farming!
StartupBREW Fargo, 2022
Eden's COO/CTO, Jeff Raymond, was a guest speaker on StartupBREW Fargo. You won't want to miss this fantastic talk on feeding the future!
Eden Featured on the
Front Page of The
Houston Chronicle
Houston, December 31, 2021 - Andrea Leinfelder, of the Houston Chronicle interviewed our CEO, Bart Womack, Dr. Gary Stutte, Eden's Direction of Plant Research, as well as Scott Fies of Grace Babtist Church, White Salmon, WA., Eden's first customer, for an awesome article discussing the use of NASA-technology with the Eden Grow Tower and our patented "Genesis System" in order to help circumvent the supply chain and so much more.
Check out the live article by clicking "Read More". Not a subscriber to the Houston Chronicle? Click here to read the pdf version.

Eden's First Customer Delivery
October, 2021 - We are excited to announce that we successfully delivered an Eden Grow Tower to our very first Customer. This is a big deal for us at Eden and has been years in the making. What’s even more exciting to us is who our first customer is - a group of young men from a local church, Grace Baptist, near the Eden North Facility in White Salmon, Washington. Watch their story below.

Dr. Gary Stutte, Former Kennedy Space Center Plant Research Director, Joins Eden Grow Systems
HOUSTON, October 20, 2021 - Dr. Gary Stutte, former Plant Research Director at Kennedy Space Center, has been appointed Director of Research and Development for Eden Grow Systems. For 25 years, Dr. Stutte managed NASA's flight and ground-based plant research at the KSC, where he researched and developed safe, sustainable food production systems for long-duration space missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond and served as Principal Investigator on four space flight experiments.

Eden Selected as
Deep Tech Pioneer by
Selected from over 4,000 entries from 115 countries for the
Hello Tomorrow Deep Tech Days Conference in Paris, France.

Space Ag Conference, 2021
Bart Womack, Eden's CEO, spoke at the 2021 Space Ag Conference in Fargo, ND. He also was a speaker on Fargo's StartupBREW Podcast. You can listen to the entire podcast here.
ARRA Global Summit, 2021
Our CEO, Bart Womack, was a guest speaker for the 2022 Arra Global Summit, discussing decentralization and the future the food. Be sure to also check out the full production film of the event by Oneday Productions, a must see!